Trek au Népal –

[Home] Trekking in Nepal



This website is my attempt to give some space to the pictures and impressions I brought back from two fantastic trips to Nepal in Fall 2006 and November 2010. Discover in pictures and by following my travel journal the Around Annapurna Circuit, the smiles of the locals, the apple crumbles you should not miss, and mountains as high as they get!

I hope this will make you want to travel to the beautiful country of Nepal, and help you choose your itinerary for a few days or weeks. Have fun reading!

A few words for you international visitor. I am slowly manually translating pages from French to English. I plan on translating first the Preparing for a trek in Nepal articles, then (if I find enough time!), the travel books. With this in mind, please excuse the typos and English mistakes, I still hope I am making a better job than Google Translation!

Direct access to the website main sections:

Around Annapurna Circuit

Description of the 25 stages of this famous trek, probably one of the finest in the world. Have a look at the stage list to read my travel journal, or use my interactive Googlemap!

Trekking in the Langtang area

A shorter trek of about a week: interactive map, photos and travel book.

Preparing for a trek in Nepal

A few advices about how to prepare for a trek in Nepal. Informations about the different trek itineraries, the trekking agencies, life in the mountains, ...

Nepal trekker's shop

Guides, trekking maps, road maps ... everything you need to prepare your trip to Nepal !


Cyril, back to Switzerland

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[Home] Trekking in Nepal
De retour de deux fantastiques voyages au Népal, j'ai décidé de partager les souvenirs de ces treks et d'essayer de vous donner envie de découvrir à votre tour les Annapurnas. Plus récemment, j'ai commencé à publier sur ce blog quelques astuces sur Wordpress ... affaire à suivre !

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